Multi Power Industry (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.

Multi Power Industry (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.

Company Profiles

Multi Power Industry (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.
Industry: Vehicle & Parts
Contact: Mr. Vincent Chui Kok Kim / Ms. JOVINE

Lot 1, Lrg Burung Keleto, Likas Industries, Mile 5.5, Jalan Tuaran By-pass
P.O Box 16152

City: Kota Kinabalu
Postcode: 88869
State: Sabah
Country: Malaysia
Telephone: 6-088-421970 / 425254
Fax: 6-088-423173 / 421239
Mobile: N/A

Manufacturing diesel fuel injection pumps parts

About Us

Federation of Sabah Industries, abbreviated FSI, serves about 200 members comprising major players, SMIs, SMEs and the Cottage Industries involved in various manufacturing and non-manufacturing activities.

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